Monday, May 24, 2010

Utah's Indian Winter

may snow byu campus 2010

 "BYU grounds crew uses rakes to shake heavy snow off of tree branches around campus Monday, May 24, 2010."


 "BYU students tread through the snow heading to class  south of campus Monday morning, May 24, 2010."

I'm not sure whether to complain or go skiing.

Provo Balloon Festival

Provo,balloon,hot air,4th of july,summer 09

Provo,balloon,hot air,4th of july,summer 09

Provo,balloon,hot air,4th of july,summer 09

Provo,balloon,hot air,4th of july,summer 09

Provo,balloon,hot air,4th of july,summer 09

Probably one of my worst responsibilities as a photog with the university paper is digging up old file photos (this task often takes hours due to our abysmal archiving system).  The nice part is that I often come across some nice shots that have been overlooked or were just never published.  I was pulling some festival and celebration type photos for the Friday tab when I came across a few old ones that I liked.  The 4th of July Balloon Festival was a fun assignment, except they didn't launch any of the balloons due to forecasted stormy weather.  Of course it didn't rain at all that day.  However, due to Utah's indian winter this year we'll probably have snow on the 4th of July.  (May 24th, 2010, 2 inches of snow on the valley floor.)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Livin in a FIXED world





"Neils Olson, above photo, and Britton Osborne perform several tricks on their fixed gear bicycles outside their home in south Provo. Olson and Osborne switched to riding fixed gear bikes due to their simplicity; they require less components and therefore are much easier to fix and maintain."

Friday, May 7, 2010

Protesting 101

Karl Rove,book signing,protesters,blog,diptych

(left image) Karl Rove, author of "Courage and Consequence", shakes hands with four-year-old James Pletsch and his mother Sarah during his book signing tour visit to Provo . Rove served as Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush from 2000 to 2007 and Deputy Chief of Staff from 2004 to 2007.

(right image) An anonymous protester stands outside a Border's bookstore in Provo expressing strong disapproval for Rove's visit to Provo and the release of his new book.

A couple of weeks ago I was assigned to take pictures of Karl Rove's book signing event in Provo.  I really didn't know who Karl Rove was but it was obvious that the Press did.  When I showed up at Border's bookstore there were three other photographers from the Trib, DesNews, Herald and a handful of reporters. 

Outside the store, however, the welcoming party for Rove wasn't so welcoming.  A large bearded man with a V for Vendetta mask and two other college kids were carrying signs accusing Rove of being a criminal and protesting his visit to Provo. 

As I casually snapped a few photos of the protesters I overheard the masked-man say that one of the problems with protesting is that most people take one quick glance at them, look away, and never even read their signs (maybe its the mask, hmmm). 

But it's true.  And that used to be me.  I've gotten better though, and certainly more sympathetic for protesters and activists now that my older brother is often one of the protesters carrying a sign.  He is a dedicated pacifists and founder of his own newspaper The Mormon Worker

Unfortunately, protesters get the stigma of being wackos or extremists... nope, that's just my brother... and your brother... who believe in something strong enough to try and do something about it. 
So next time you see one, stop and chat with your friendly neighborhood protester.  You might learn something.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

BYU Graduation April 2010




College graduation... somewhat bitter sweet these days.  With few employment opportunities most people I know are advising students to prolong their college career.  I'm graduating in August and I'm starting to think they might be right.  However, one gets to the point where they are just burned out.  So, in the words of Def Leppard, "Lets get the ruck out of here!"