Thursday, April 8, 2010

New York to Boston


"Mark Fenton laces up his running shoes the morning of the New York Marathon"

New York, New York - 26.2 miles through five boroughs: Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Manhattan. Mark Fenton, remember New York.

Fall 2007, my good buddy Mark and I traveled to New York so he could run the New York Marathon. Between the Chinese black market and the Halloween Parade in Greenwich Village it was an amazing trip. Our mistake was doing all the sight seeing before Mark actually ran the race. For four days we walked all over the city. Mark was totally spent the day of the race.

Spring 2010, my good buddy is at it again. He's heading off to Boston, which he qualified for last year running the St. George Marathon in Utah. Wish I could make it out this time. Good luck buddy.


  1. Good Luck, Mark! We'll be cheering you on in the VW household :)

  2. Mark, you're my hero! I am so excited for you. It's too bad that I am the only one who is beaten you in a race! Maybe I should run Boston and get a cool blog from Drew.
